Everyone thinks being an artist is somewhat glamorous, but I promise you it is not.
Nothing is really very organized behind the scenes - we are just able to create the illusion that everything is beautiful and creative and dramatic, but mediocrity, the mundane, and a handful of annoyingly lazy habits are lurking just under the surface.
Like this morning. A day that, as of yesterday, I had deemed "The Annual, National Bookkeeping Day for Artists Cynthia and Steve Adams". I went so far as to gather up what I could find of 2017 business related items, packed up the computer, and declared that I would park myself at the dining room table first thing Monday morning and zero in on all things business related that should have been addressed well over one year ago.
It is now high noon and I'm pretty sure none of that has happened yet. How do I know, you ask? Because I am the only one at the house, and I still see everything I brought from our studio in its bin on the dining room table. There is a cat lying on my notebook, a plate leftover from one of my earlier snacks, and several urns sitting off to the side holding the cremains of all our fabulous kitties that have come and gone. Normally we do not use those as a centerpiece for our table, but a shelf came down yesterday in the piano room and they got shifted over here for the time being. All of our kitties have loved being on whichever table we find ourselves eating or working at, so this is oddly comforting although I could probably cry at any moment if I think too much about it.
I really, really had good intentions of tackling the book work first thing, but before I even had a chance to start Marley came running inside from the lanai with a "larger than what I like" sized lizard and dropped it in the corner of the dining room. And then she started batting it around like the play toy she thinks it is. And Steve is at the gym so I have to trap this dude using my time-honed technique of placing a Tupperware container on top of him (or her, to be fair...but she was ugly so it was probably a him). Then I take something flat, in this case one of my business folders, and slide it under the Tupperware to keep him (let's just agree it was a him) contained until I can get outside and set him free.
Easy enough. Until ten minutes later Marley has yet another lizard in the dining room. Bigger and uglier (it's a cute kind of ugly - I actually like these little guys quite a lot, when they are outside though). This lizard is trying to get away from her and has apparently dropped his tail somewhere along the way. I capture him with my special lizard trap, and out he goes. As I came back into the dining room I see a small thing wriggling around on the floor. The tail. Dang it. And Marley sees it at that same moment, but she is closer so she makes a run for it, gives it a bat or two, and decides to eat it before I can take it away. I'm glad today is Steve's day for the litter box. He may not realize that yet, but it is true.
So far my annual bookkeeping day is looking a lot like all of the previous years. Which let's me know there is still hope because I have always gotten it done, I just never know when that magic day is going to be.
Oddly, catching lizards has made me feel a bit peckish so I decide I better make a little healthy snack of turkey and string cheese before I get to the point where only chocolate and peanut butter will curb my hunger.
Back at the dining room table with my snack I check Facebook and email for a few minutes. Fiona, who has been sleeping soundly in the bedroom, has gotten a whiff of the turkey and decided she will now join Marley on the dining room table in hopes of getting a bite.
It seemed so cute and innocent at the time, but as she reached out her paw to try and grab some turkey out of my hand she also decided to let loose with a series of wet sneezes that sprayed all over me and left actual little kitty boogers on my shirt and arm. I've never read anywhere if that is one of those gross animal excretions that is good for wrinkles so, like the good girl my mother taught me to be, I decided against gathering first hand information by experimenting with it and got up and washed my arm and wiped off my shirt.
So, in summary, our accounting office will not be getting updates anytime soon (they have no expectations of us anymore so not to worry!) and you get a long overdue blog! Seize the moment as they say. Sometimes "they" are very right!