Monday, September 7, 2020

Want Ad: Looking for a new blog name!


When I first started this blog so many years ago, the subtitle Three Cats and a Husband  (which is also my Facebook Page) seemed quite clever and very fitting.  I knew though that my life could change on a dime and render this invalid, and in fact since it’s inception I have gone from 3 to 4 to 3 to 2 and now one cat, and a dog…but still just one husband!  Unlike many of my friends who would have had to title their own blogs “Three Husbands and a Cat”, I do feel most fortunate that Steve is still on the scene and holds the number one (and only) husband spot.  Sometimes I remind him though that this position is not guaranteed for life.  We have annual reviews and an increase in compensation must be considered before committing to the next 12 months.  We just celebrated 30 years this past April, and although my hourly rate has never been quite what I feel I am worth, I plan to keep this show going ‘til the bitter end. And Steve is still unbelievably cute and kind, and sometimes funny (though not as often as he thinks he is), so there are plenty of other reasons to stick around for a while longer.

If you’ve followed the blog over the years you’ve traveled with us to art shows, experienced the loss of my dad, gotten a firsthand view of Steve’s colonoscopy and his intestinal issues in Morocco, and heard me concede to my mom’s accurate knowledge about love bugs. There have been musings on middle age, I’ve gone on a pretend safari to the grocery store, taken you with me to the gynecologist, shopped for live snails, and rugs that coordinate with the colours of cat vomit, discussed our death camp of an aquarium, exposed you to violent curse-laden yoga, and all the while had you wondering about the dawn of time and how our earth is being viewed these days.

As time marches on and my hiatus from blogging has stretched almost to the point of no return, I have been wondering how to resume where it would make sense that I am writing again under a heading that is no longer valid. My last post two years ago was about lizard tails and cat boogers, and honestly where does one go from there?

So, I think the first order of the day needs to be an update to the blog name–something that resonates with the person I have become in recent  years and is not likely to change in the foreseeable future. Something a bit more all-encompassing that has the potential to last a lifetime.  Something like Distraught, Disheveled and Disillusioned. It seems fitting, and I am a huge fan of alliteration which gives this potential title some extra heft.

Then again, I would also like to emphasize the positive side of life, so maybe Annoyingly Happy? Those people are the worst, aren’t they?  Which is why that title has some appeal to me. There is nothing more irritating than someone being happy and seeing the bright, positive side of a situation while others, in the depths of angst and uncertainty, are struggling to make it through the day. Yep, I do like that one quite a lot-has me written all over it! The sarcasm factor has huge potential to keep me writing for years. And the main blog title, Travels To Nowhere, totally apropos for 2020, needs to get gone too as this has become a self-fulfilling prophecy that I don't want to have happen ever again!

So, please share your thoughts, and all ideas will be considered! If I choose one that is suggested I just want you to know, though, that there is no prize money. But you could be invited over for a glass of tequila and some cheese and crackers. And with any luck you will end up the subject of the next blog post!

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